SQL Line Error

Table './names/domaindata' is marked as crashed and should be repaired<hr/>select *,domains.did as did from domains LEFT JOIN `domaindata` ON (domaindata.did=domains.did) where `domain`='i-funding.co.uk' order by domains.did asc limit 1

line : 58,	function : tea_mysqli->query,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/core/db.php
line : 287,	function : db->query,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/lib/db/db_apt.php
line : 414,	function : db_apt->exeucte,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/lib/db/db_apt.php
line : 64,	function : db_apt->getall,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/core/model.php
line : 85,	function : model->gets,	file : /www/wwwroot/namelimit.com/model/model_domains.php
line : 92,	function : model_domains->getDomainInfo,	file : /www/wwwroot/namelimit.com/model/model_domains.php
line : 54,	function : model_domains->getAndUpdateDomainInfo,	file : /www/wwwroot/namelimit.com/controller/subdomain.php
line : 126,	function : subdomain->lookup,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/tea.php
line : 175,	function : tea->run,	file : /www/wwwroot/teaphp7/tea.php
line : 56,	function : require,	file : /www/wwwroot/namelimit.com/index.php